Valenoq API reference


Get the time series data for the provided ticker(s).


Get the balance sheet data for the provided ticker(s).


Getting configuration data from a local config file (~/.valenoq/api.config)


Storing configuration data into a local config file (~/.valenoq/api.config)


valenoq.api.request.balance_sheet(ticker, *args, **kwargs)

Get the balance sheet data for the provided ticker(s).

Returns the balance sheet for specified tickers and quarter.

tickerstr or list

The ticker name or list of ticker names for which the data is requested The maximum length of the list is 5

api_key: str, optional

The API key (available after registration at If api_key is not provided and the configuration was skipped, then the returned balance sheet will be truncated

nr_quarters: int, optional

The number of quarters (since the last one) for which the data is requested. Maximum limit is 12. Default value: 1 (latest reported balance sheet is returned)

out_format: {“json”, “array”, “pandas”}, optional

The format of the output. Default value: pandas DataFrame object.

Pandas dataframe containing the data


Last quarter balance sheet for a ticker:

>>> data = request.balance_sheet("AAPL")

Last quarter balance sheet for a list of tickers:

>>> data = request.balance_sheet(["AAPL", "INTC"])

Five last balance sheets for “AAPL”:

>>> data = request.balance_sheet("AAPL", nr_quarters=5)
valenoq.api.request.get(ticker, *args, **kwargs)

Get the time series data for the provided ticker(s).

Returns the historical time series either for intraday or end-of-the day data.

tickerstr or list

The ticker name or list of ticker names for which the data is requested The maximum length of the list is 5

start: str or datetime, optional

The start date of the data series

end: str or datetime, optional

The end date of the data series Must be provided is the start day is not empty

date: str or datetime, optional

The requested date.

api_key: str, optional

The API key (available after registration at If api_key is not provided and the configuration was skipped, then the returned time series will be truncated

frequency: {“minute”, “hour”, “day”}, optional

The data frequency. Default value: “hour”

collapse: {1, 5, 10, 15, 30}, optional

The interval of intraday data. Applicable only when the frequence is “minute”. If the requested frequency is either “hour” or “day”, then the provided value of collapse is ignored and the default 1 is used.

Default values: - 5 if the requested frequency is “minute” - 1 otherwise

out_format: {“json”, “dict”, “pandas”}, optional

The format of the output. Default value: pandas DataFrame object

Pandas dataframe containing the dataseries


1-day bar:

>>> data = request.get("AAPL", date="2018-05-01", frequency="day")
>>> data
            close   high     low    open         vol ticker
2018-05-01  169.1  169.2  165.27  166.41  53569300.0   AAPL

1-minute bars for “AAPL”:

>>> data = request.get("AAPL", date="2018-05-01", frequency="minute", collapse=1)

1-minute bars for a list of tickers:

>>> request.get(["AAPL", "TSLA"], date="2018-05-01", frequency="minute", collapse=1)

1-minute bars for a list of tickers and interval of dates:

>>> tickers = ["AAPL", "TSLA"]
>>> request.get(tickers, start="2018-05-01", end="2018-05-02", frequency="minute", collapse=1)



Getting configuration data from a local config file (~/.valenoq/api.config)

config_item: string
The configuration item to be retrieved from config file


Getting current api_key:

>>> config.get("api_key")
valenoq.api.config.set(*args, **kwargs)

Storing configuration data into a local config file (~/.valenoq/api.config)

api_key: str
The API key (available upon registration at


Setting api_key globally:

>>> config.set(api_key="yourApiKey")